As you already know, conserving water helps to preserve the environment. It also means paying less in water bills every month. Are looking for tips on how you can preserve this precious commodity in the bathroom. Well, you’re in for a ride because I’ve collected 50 actionable tips that you can start implementing today… Let’s dive […]
List of Cities that Use Chloramine to Treat Water in 2021
Chloramine is added to water in order to kill germs and other micro-organisms. Chloramines have been in use as a disinfectant in many cities in the US since the 1920s. Cities that use chloramine to treat water is growing as many water departments continue to move away from chlorine. Recommended Reading: Best Shower Filter for Chloramine […]
Apec vs Aquasana vs Waterchef U9000 (Comparison, Pros & Cons)
I may receive a commission for purchases made through product links on this page, but I always stand by my opinions and endorsements! Top Pick Also Great Closing In today’s post, I’m going to compare WaterChef vs Aquasana vs Apec WFS under sink filters. These products are convenient because they don’t take up space, and […]
Is distilled water the same as filtered water?
I was wondering is distilled water the same as filtered water? So I did a quick research. Here’s what I come out with. Distilled water is treated through boiling water to steam then condensing it back into a liquid. On the other hand, filtered water is purified by passing raw water through microscopic holes that […]
AquaTru vs Berkey vs Aquasana countertop Water filter (Pros, Cons & Comparison)
I may receive a commission for purchases made through product links on this page, but I always stand by my opinions and endorsements! Countertop water filters are great when you want to ensure your family is drinking healthy water. In today’s post, I’ll compare three popular brands in the market Aquatru vs Berkey vs Aquasana […]