I may receive a commission for purchases made through product links on this page, but I always stand by my opinions and endorsements! According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), drinking arsenic water can trigger serious conditions such as heart disease, immune disorders and various forms of cancer. To remove arsenic from your drinking water, […]
Best Fluoride Water Filters (Reviews & Definitive Buyer’s Guide 2021)
I may receive a commission for purchases made through product links on this page, but I always stand by my opinions and endorsements! For more information click here Fluoride has been proven to be toxic even when it is ingested in small amounts. This is especially true for kids because they are still growing. For […]
Best Water Softener for Well Water with Iron (Reviews & Buying Guide 2021)
I may receive a commission for purchases made through product links on this page, For more information on how we make money click here. You never know how much you love iron-free soft water until you don’t have it. Iron turns your toilet bowls yellow and your clothes never look clean. An Iron removing […]
Berkey vs Reverse Osmosis (Pros, Cons and Comparison)
Humans need water for sustenance. However, your tap water or well water may not be safe for you and your family when consumed directly. That’s why you should install a water purification system in your home to get rid of chemicals and harmful microorganisms in the water. Some of the commonly used systems for water […]
Is Reverse Osmosis Water Bad For You?
Water is life. However, that does not apply to any water. Hence, that raises the question; is reverse osmosis water bad for you? I sought to find the answer to this question. Therefore, I scoured the web to try and find a valid and factual answer. If you’ve been thinking about getting reverse osmosis (RO) […]